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Work Examples
Bill Fletcher teaching staffFor well over a decade, I have been leveraging my hands-on software development and network administration skills to create many internet solutions.  Hands-on skills help me to lead technology teams and ensure that development projects are clearly defined and accurately planned. 

Although primarily in a leadership role, the following links provide access to several web sites I have personally developed.

Shore Beginning Real Estate web site.  This is an example of one of the dozens of web sites I have created for small business.  This site was created in the spring of 2006.

This site contains several online forms, special visitor tracking and search engine optimization.  The site also integrates with multiple online databases to allow visitors to search for vacation rental property or purchase homes.  

   Click here to view the business site. 

WiredVines Business web site.  When I personally developed the Wiredvines business website in 2000, I used Macromedia Flash for the entry page animation, Photoshop to develop the necessary graphics and Microsoft Visual Studio to construct the active server pages, tracking database and response forms. 

When Wiredvines closed its operations I moved the site to a directory on my personal web server.

   Click here to view the Wiredvines business site. 

Wiredvines COOL VINES promotional web site.  I developed the COOL VINES site to promote the use of the Wiredvines membership portal for the Boy Scouts of America.  The promotional program allowed the Boy Scouts to obtain a patch for developing a troop portal. 

  Click here to view the COOL VINES site.

Health Matters @ Work.  I was contacted in the summer of 2004 to build a medical information portal.  The portal was to be a joint venture between Employee Benefit News and Pharmaceutical sponsors.  I was asked to construct the site so that it could easily be hosted on any web server and asked not to use technology specific to any web server.

Graphics were developed using Photoshop and the pages constructed using dynamic HTML and cascading style sheets. 

  Click here to visit the Health Matters @ Work Business site.

  Click here to visit one of the medical condition portals. 

DoctorQuality's MyQualityCoach Portal & RPM Solution.

When DoctorQuality  closed its operations in the fall of 2002 it sold its MyQualityCoach health wellness portal to Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey

The MyQualityCoach product was designed to easily be adapted to other health portals using an XML/XSL design.  I developed the generic portal site illustrated below.  This site was hosted and provided as an online service to many large self-insured companies as a wellness benefit.

DoctorQuality also sold its Risk Prevention Management (RPM) medical error reporting system to Quantros.  Because of my experience developing web-based user interfaces I developed the screen templates used in the database driven RPM application.  A few of these screens are illustrated below. 


The vast majority of sites I have developed are private internal sites.  I have developed internet solutions using a variety of technologies, including but not limited to Microsoft .NET, Coldfusion, PHP and Flash.  I have also used many databases, including Microsoft SQL, Oracle PL/SQL, MySQL, Progress and DB2.  You may access my biography by clicking here


© 1996-2015 William R Fletcher, Yardley, Pennsylvania, USA