We Respect Your Privacy


WiredVines is committed to preserving your privacy while enabling you to get the most out of our service. When you use our service to build or participate in an online communications and service center, we collect information about you. It is WiredVines policy that any information we collect that personally identifies you will not be sold, traded, or revealed to others without your consent. The following statement describes in more detail our policies for safeguarding your personal information. Please review this statement periodically as we may make changes from time to time to better serve you.


When you register for the WiredVines Service, you will be asked to enter certain personally identifying information including: your first and last name, state and zip code or country and postal code for non-US residents, gender, year of birth and certain occupational and demographic information (“Registration Data”). According to the WiredVines Terms of Service (TOS), you must keep this Registration Data current in order to maintain your WiredVines account. You can update your registration data at any time from within your WiredVines account by clicking on “your account” in the bottom menu of any WiredVines site.

In order to register, you must also select a member name. This is a unique identifier that is associated with your account. It is also part of the Uniform Resource Locator, or worldwide web address, on some WiredVines Personal Homepages. While many aspects of your WiredVines account may be changed, your member name cannot. Each member name must be unique. If your desired selection is not available, you will need to select a suitable alternative.

We may also obtain information from you when you participate in a WiredVines promotion, make an on-line purchase from a WiredVines advertiser or sponsor, contact us with a suggestion or complaint, or respond to an approved WiredVines survey. This information continues to build your WiredVines information profile.


Like many on-line services, WiredVines uses “cookies.” A “cookie” is used by a web site to temporarily store information about you while you are visiting a site. The cookie is actually a small file stored in a designated location on your computer. This cookie contains your registration information. WiredVines uses browser cookies during your visit to save you the time associated with constantly re-entering information. Our partners, sponsors and content providers may use their own cookies. Cookies serve several useful purposes. For example, they assist us in accessing your account information and allow us to assess the extent of usage. This helps us select advertisers and promotional activities that match the needs of our members. Cookies also make it possible for you to elect the option of storing your password in your browser. This will allow you to use the WiredVines service without having to enter your password each time. If you disable cookies on your browser, you will not be able to take advantage of the WiredVines service. In the most general sense, we use cookies to customize and personalize our service to improve your experience.


WiredVines does not provide information that personally identifies you to others without your consent. We maintain your personally identifying information primarily for purposes of WiredVines customer support and communication, and to support future product direction decisions. To help assure your privacy, WiredVines maintains information gathered online that personally identifies you in a secure environment protected from unauthorized third party access, alteration or misuse. We will not disclose any personally identifying information unless specifically authorized by you or in our good faith belief that such action is reasonably necessary to comply with the law or legal process, to enforce the TOS, or to protect and defend the rights and interests of WiredVines, our members, and other third parties.

We incorporate information that does not personally identify you into summary customer profiles that we generate to obtain the most relevant advertising and sponsors for WiredVines customers. We may share general statistical information in aggregate form regarding the demographics, usage, and interests of our service customers.

WiredVines establishes partnerships with certain third parties to provide additional services for our customers. You will be under no obligation to use any such services. Other service providers may require certain of your Registration Data as a condition of use. Prior to using a third party service, you will be given a choice whether to disclose your Registration Data. Some services may not be available to you unless you consent to sharing some or all of your Registration Data. If you choose to use a third party service, your Registration Data will be subject to the privacy policies of the other service provider and not Wired Vine’s privacy policies. WiredVines is not responsible for the privacy policies of third party service providers or other sites that we may link to. However, we evaluate the published privacy policy of these providers and use it as a significant criteria for our business relationships. 

In some cases, when you enroll or participate in a WiredVines survey or promotional program, you will be asked to provide additional personal information, or give permission to share your personal information with advertisers or merchants. You will be under no obligation to enroll or participate in such programs. WiredVines will provide your personally identifying information to the advertisers or merchants only if you agree to participate in the program and give your permission to share the personally identifying information. 

Please remember that privacy does not extend to any personal information you disclose on-line to third parties, such as on message boards and chat rooms or by email. If you make information available to the public, other parties who obtain your information may solicit you.


Many organizations participating in the WiredVines service involve minors and activities related to minors. We expect many of the members and visitors to WiredVines sites will be minors. Minors under the age of 13 may not completely understand of the consequences of providing personally identifying information over the Internet. To assure that the rights of minors are protected, children must be at least thirteen years of age to register as a member of WiredVines. Parents of minors under age 13 may register themselves and supervise minors use of WiredVines under their own member ID. WiredVines will collect the name or online contact information of a child under 13 years of age only to protect the security or liability of the site or to respond to law enforcement, if necessary, and will not use it for any other purpose. 

Note to Parents of children between 13 and 18 years of age. If you have any concerns about the WiredVines or its related services, would like to find out if your child is a member, or want to cancel your child’s membership, please contact us at Privacy_Mgr@bfletcher.com. As with any registered member of WiredVines, personal registration information may be accessed by selecting the “your account” menu item in the footer menu of every WiredVines site after your child has logged in. 


You can elect to terminate your WiredVines account at any time. Upon termination, your personal registration information, including your Member ID, will be deleted entirely. To terminate your WiredVines registration, please use the support form posted on our support site or email us at support@bfletcher.com.


WiredVines is designed to provide a comprehensive online communications and service center to your organization and you. We are dedicated to protecting the privacy of your personal information. However, the final responsibility for maintaining your privacy rests with you. In this age of electronic data, you must exercise a high level of care with regard to all your communications if you desire to keep your personal information confidential.


If you have any questions about this policy statement or believe that WiredVines has acted inconsistently with the letter or spirit of this Privacy Statement, please contact us at Privacy_Mgr@bfletcher.com.

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