About WiredVines

More time for your mission.
Organizations start with a mission. And then have to spend a growing percentage of their resources just to keep everyone in the loop.

WiredVines enables everyone in an organization to communicate as easily as if they were all in the same room. It's a customized Internet service that lets people share information up, down, and across levels. On their own schedules. With flexible security to ensure appropriate access.

roots branches leaves

WiredVines lets management identify trends and nurture growth. It lets group organizers get off the phone and away from the copier. It gives members a living connection to all kinds of resources, including news and schedules.

It increases everyone's feeling of participation, connectedness, and mission.

Three organically integrated WiredVines systems meet the very different, but intimately related needs of administrators, local organizers, and members... bringing the whole organization closer together. So you can once again focus your time and resources on your mission.

Who we are:
WiredVines is a fast-growing company located in Philadelphia's high-tech corridor, 20-minutes west of the city. In addition to the WiredVines Internet service, the company offers technical support and marketing services to our clients.

The company is guided by a seasoned management team with significant expertise from the areas of software development, implementation and training. They are backed by a solid venture capital network including TL Ventures and RAF Netventures.

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