WiredVines for

Reach out over the Web.
You've known for some time that the Web is the perfect tool to bring together your scattered, busy staff, members and volunteers. All you've needed is the right tool: an Internet service that offers the power
and the flexibility to span platforms, distance, and time.

WiredVines is that service. No need to buy servers, build an IT infrastructure, or establish standards. Everyone—staff, organizers, members—can participate in your WiredVines using the computers and connections they already have. And you, at last, can manage, report, and process content and data across a virtual network that follows the flexible, organic structure of your actual organization.

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Key Benefits:

  • Internet-enable your large, decentralized organization without investing in a major IT infrastructure and staff
  • Build an even greater feeling of connectedness and community at every level
  • Use built-in management control tools to shape growth
  • Prune costs of communication and resource sharing
  • Nurture new sources of funding
  • Harvest a large return on a very small investment of time and money

Click here to get started and let WiredVines make the "NET" work for you.

Three in one:
The management and reporting capabilities of WiredVines are based on the ability to coordinate the efforts of dozens, hundreds, or thousands of individuals.

Since people at each level of the organization need different information, WiredVines offers three different ways to interact with your membership.

Organization (Management)
Enables administrators to establish consistency, nurture growth, gather information, build reports. The only truly feasible way to Internet-enable your decentralized organizations.

Group (Communication)
Lets groups post schedules, publish news and information, conduct registrations and sign-ups, maintain membership
lists—and share the effort. Two-way communication encourages participation. Learn more...

Member (Personalization)
Gives members a way to combine the many facets of their personal life with group events and news, and more. All in one handy, powerful personal productivity tool.
Learn more...

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