Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about WiredVines. If your question isn't discussed here, please contact us.

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What does WiredVines do with my e-mail address?
The email address you provide WiredVines during the registration process is used to activate your account and uniquely identify you for purposes of support or communications directly from WiredVines.

Does WiredVines have access to member information in our Center's Address Book?
NO. Any personally identifying demographic information, including e-mail addresses, kept securely in your Center's address book are for your group or organization's exclusive use and will not be accessed by WiredVines. The only time WiredVines will access this information is by written request for support purposes.

Does WiredVines share my personal information with advertisers or other parties?
We DO NOT release any personally identifying demographic information to any party. Please see our member
privacy statement.

Will WiredVines "sell my name" to marketing list services?
WiredVines will not sell or otherwise distribute your name or any personal information to any list or direct marketing service.

Can a WiredVines Advertiser or Sponsor solicit my personal information directly as part of a promotional program?
Yes. However if an advertiser or sponsor requires your personally identifying information as a condition of participation in a promotional program or event, you will be provided the opportunity to submit that information separately from any information that exists in the WiredVines registration system. WiredVines requires that its advertisers or sponsors clearly disclose that the personally identifying information you are providing will be used for marketing purposes by that organization.

What is a cookie and how does WiredVines use cookies?
A "cookie" is a small file containing your registration information and other data that is stored as a file on your computer. We use the information stored in the cookie to improve ease of interaction with our system, and to customize and personalize your WiredVines experience.

Does WiredVines track where I came from before or after I visit their service?
Your WiredVines cookie only tracks where you visit while you are in the WiredVines Network. We do not monitor any of your activities before or after you visit WiredVines.

Does WiredVines provide information about me to my organization's headquarters?
The information in your group's Communications & Service Center or on your individual desktop is secure. Only you, in the case of the personal desktop, or your group sites' administrator can share that information with others. If your organization requires that such information be made available to them as a condition of membership, they should advise you of such policies.

Can my child register with WiredVines?
Children under the age of 13 are not legally allowed to provide personally identifying information over the Internet without parental consent. WiredVines advises parents of this in both our Terms of Service and our Privacy Statement. For this reason, minors under the age of 13 cannot register as a member of WiredVines. Although registration is required to use certain interactive features, your child can still view the contents of any public WiredVines site. If you would like to provide the opportunity for your child to use the interactive features of WiredVines, we suggest you do so under parental supervision under your own member login.

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Who authorizes access to your site's secure areas?
You do! The registered owner (or designees) of a site sets access privileges through our administrative wizard. We make it easy to maintain your lists of who should access what information on your organization's site.

Can other people outside of the organization tap into our Communications & Service Center?
Your WiredVines site administrator(s) determines who has access privileges to your Communications & Service Center. You should consult with your administrator to request access to specific areas of your group site. WiredVines also uses a variety of industry-proven techniques to ensure that our hosted services are protected from unauthorized access.

Do members have access to every area of a WiredVines site?
Access is determined by your WiredVines site administrator.

How secure is MyVines™ Desktop?
Only the registered member can access their MyVines Desktop since it is a personal information management tool.

Can anyone participate in our discussion groups?
Your WiredVines site administrator controls access privileges to specific areas of your site. Access to discussion groups reflects the security permissions assigned to them. Secured discussions may only be accessed by those with password or member-only security permissions. Any party may view publicly accessible discussion boards, but only registered WiredVines members can post replies. We recommend the use of the monitored discussion feature if you have concerns regarding postings to your site's boards.

Can I make someone else the site administrator or allow others access so they can contribute to the content of our site?
Yes, as a site administrator, you can share responsibility for the maintenance of your site with others. You may appoint others as site administrators and/or content editors in the Address Book of your site. It is a good idea to appoint content editors to create a truly collaborative environment.

What do I do if I lose my password?
Not a problem! Simply click HELP, and LOST ACCESS CODE. You'll need to enter your registered name and e-mail address. If it matches an entry in our database, we'll email your password to you.

Are the files that I put on my WiredVines site protected from computer viruses?
The WiredVines system is maintained in a secure environment and scanned on a regular basis for computer viruses. However, the nature of computer viruses makes it impossible for us to guarantee that files from other sources are not infected. Installing virus protection software on your personal computer will assist in this area.

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What are Intranets and Extranets?
In addition to establishing a public web site, most organizations could dramatically improve many essential communications and administrative functions through the use of an intranet or extranet. Intranets are typically "inward facing", or accessible to an organization's employees, or the members of a group or department. The same site can be labeled an extranet if its purpose is to link the organization to a specific group of other related organizations or individuals. Whether Intranet or Extranet, both can be viewed as a well-defined "web-based community", since access is restricted to a certain defined and authorized set of individuals or organizations.

How can a WiredVines site be both a public web site and an intranet (or extranet)?
Each WiredVines site operates within a flexible security model. All or parts of each site can be restricted to serve only specifically authorized individuals or groups that want to share relevant information. On the other hand, an unlimited number of individual sites can be defined for each audience. There is no restriction on the number of sites that can share and consolidate common information.

How do I register to become a member of WiredVines?
Registration for WiredVines couldn't be easier. Just click on the Register button on any WiredVines site or the
REGISTER NOW button at www.wiredvines.com. We will ask you a few simple questions and for your e-mail address. After you submit your registration, you can choose to join any WiredVines site by clicking the JOIN button or request a site administrator to invite you to be a member of their site.

Do I need to understand HTML or have programming skills to create my WiredVines site?
No programming skills are necessary. Our IntelliPub™ system will help you to set up your own site in a few quick steps with no understanding of HTML or Web programming. But if you do have advanced knowledge of Web programming and want to flex those creative muscles, you can set up a more complex site and still take advantage of WiredVines sophisticated administrative and communications capabilities.

What type of technology does WiredVines use?
WiredVines is created dynamically using active server pages (ASP). This means that no software is needed and no programs are installed on your computer. You only need a Web browser to use WiredVines. If you are interested in a more detailed explanation of the technology behind WiredVines, please click on the
Technology button.

How do I let my members know about our WiredVines CSC?
Send an invitation to all of your members and others who you think will benefit from using your WiredVines Communications & Service Center. This feature is available in the Address Book of your site.

Does WiredVines install any software on my computer?
No software is installed on your system. WiredVines is a hosted service that works with any Web browser. You need only a Web browser to take advantage of the features and benefits we deliver. As part of the registration process, WiredVines does create a "cookie" which profiles information regarding you and your use of WiredVines.

Which Web browser is best to use?
WiredVines supports Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 and above and Netscape Navigator version 4.0 and above.

How can I promote use of the WiredVines service when my organization has offices and members located all over the country?
WiredVines offers an enterprise-level program for large organizations with a national or regionally dispersed membership. As part of our service agreement, we will assign a WiredVines Project Manager to help you set up programs to implement and promote the WiredVines service within your entire organization.

What is included in the standard Communications & Service Center service?
Registered WiredVines members can create a free, ad-based standard version of the Communications and Service Center that includes: free web hosting and up to 25 MB of storage; registration with popular search engines; the IntelliPub Web publishing system for events calendars, news and announcements; group address books and contact lists; member security; file sharing; discussion groups; online meeting capability; and access to some of our basic electronic forms.

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What kind of support is available to me?
Every WiredVines Center contains many Information Assist buttons (yellow "i" boxes) that convey a quick overview of specific functionality. You may also find information under the Help selection on the navigation toolbar that appears throughout your site. Extended Help provides more detailed explanations and suggestions. We offer both email support and a support to address specific questions or issues. Simply click on the SUPPORT option under help on the navigation toolbar.

How do I contact WiredVines?
You can contact WiredVines Customer Support at any time just by selecting SUPPORT under the help option to navigate to our support site. From the support site select email support from the directory listing. For sales or Marketing ONLY please call (215) 493-7307.

Can I change the look of my WiredVines site?
You are free to modify the appearance of your Center. We offer a variety of templates that make it easy to customize colors, add graphics and wallpapers with the click of your mouse.

How much does WiredVines cost?
A standard version of our Communications & Service Center, supported by advertising, is available freely from our corporate site or from any WiredVines Site. Our service is also available under an ad-free monthly subscription plan. WiredVines offers an Enterprise service package for larger organizations.
Please call for pricing.

How can I tell my national organization about WiredVines?
If you like WiredVines, and want to share your Center with others in your organization, click on
SPREAD THE WORD at www.wiredvines.com.

What if my organization already has a public web site?
A WiredVines Communications & Service Center is a perfect addition to your current web site. You can easily add our communications and administrative functionality to your current site. If you're unsure how, simply contact our support site.

Our organization already uses other systems for calendars and discussion groups, can we still use WiredVines for other services?
Absolutely, you can choose to use any or all of the features and functionality offered by the WiredVines service.

Can I connect to the national organization's site from my Center?
Yes, WiredVines lets you easily display information from different levels of your organization. By requesting access to areas of your national organization's Communications & Service Center, you can stay informed of news and developments.

What are the minimum requirements to use WiredVines?
You need only a connection to the Internet (we recommend at least a 28.8k baud connection speed), and a Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or Netscape 4.0 or higher browser. Please note that WiredVines is designed to "fit" monitors using a screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels. Other resolution selections may cause the area displayed on your screen to vary, but will not impact your WiredVines site in any way.

How will I be notified of changes to my group's site or enhancements to the WiredVines service?
WiredVines regularly sends out e-mails to our site administrators informing you of news and enhancements to the service. You can use the convenient communications group messaging features of your Communications & Service Center to keep your members informed.

What if some of my members don't have access to the Internet?
The Internet is fast becoming a staple in our society and although some of your members may not have Internet access at home, there are many places for them to access the Internet including libraries, schools and businesses. There are also free Internet Service Providers (ISP) that you can use to access without a monthly fee.

What if some of my members don't have e-mail addresses?
While most Internet Service providers offer e-mail as part of their service, there are a number of free services available on the Internet.

Do I have to be a Windows user to take advantage of WiredVines?
No, however we are working to revise some technical differences to improve our compatibility with the browser versions used on Apple computers. We expect to resolve these issues quickly.

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Must I have advertising on my WiredVines site?
The standard ad-based version of WiredVines Communications & Service Center is freely available via our web site. You have the option of adding additional fee-based services, or of converting your standard version to a monthly fee-based service without ads. We will work with larger organizations to structure creative sponsor-based funding approaches or subscriptions fees if your group does not wish advertising to appear on your site.

What guidelines does WiredVines advertising follow?
Although we accept most advertising, we will not accept advertising for any of the following products or services: alcohol, adult, tobacco, or firearms.

I would like to advertise on WiredVines, who should I contact?
Please call or email us. Please place “advertiser” in the subject line of your email, or you can call our sales office at (215) 493-7307 and ask for extension 121.

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WiredVines, it's about you, AutoLynX, MyVines, Intelli-Pub, FormXpert, iCabinet are service marks of WiredVines, Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
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