The way to Wire your organization

WiredVines' sophisticated management toolset lets you use the Internet to network with your local chapters and individual members.

Need to coordinate the activities of your members, volunteers and staff? Use WiredVines to broadcast communications to your entire organization. Gather and manage information quickly from dozens or hundreds of chapters or regional offices' WiredVines Centers. You can also take advantage of extended sponsorship opportunities, plug in administrative and financial services—even get help spreading the word about your WiredVines to your membership.

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Contact a WiredVines representative to discuss your organization's specific requirements. We'll work with you to customize your WiredVines service to meet your needs. Please call us at 610-825-3200 or click here.

To become a registered member of WiredVines or to create a site click here.

Your Virtual Organization
WiredVines helps you link every chapter and member into a virtual organization. We can show you how to extend new Internet and telephone capabilities to your grassroots operations, deliver and capture more information at every level, and take advantage of eCommerce opportunities. WiredVines makes your information available to the right people anytime. Your local chapters can set up their own WiredVines Communications & Service Centers.

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