Imagine the possibilitiesÉ

Here are some ways WiredVines can help you put muscle behind your mission:

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Mobilize thousands of members, through local chapters and regional councils - in days instead of weeks -using our communications tools

Publish official news, bulletins and announcements both across your network and on a selective basis

Provide reference materials and historical information for chapters and regional offices

Update global organization event schedules with latest changes and combine activities from many chapters

Conduct centralized, real-time training online for volunteers and staff

WiredVines' direct connection provides a powerful voice for your membership

Put Internet-based communications into the hands of every member, volunteer, and staff member

Inspire members with success stories and best practices across your membership

Share important news throughout every level of your organization

Provide an interactive forum at any level to spotlight member issues and upcoming trends

Let WiredVines help you to streamline the business of managing your organization

Make member contact information more current and accurate by allowing each group to maintain its own data securely online.

Distribute a standardized, locally controlled and maintained communication tool while avoiding associated IT overhead

Provide local online access to standard forms and procedures for members, or make them available for download

Use a network of WiredVines sites to deliver new administrative services to any group at any level

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