Customizing your WiredVines

Just what you need.
Organizational WiredVines can be tailored to meet your requirements so that they look and feel as though they were built just for you. Whether its branding and marketing, or specialized technical requirements, we can help create a program that’s right for your organization.

Once you have seen a demonstration of our service and discussed your requirements with a WiredVines representative, we can talk about exactly how to fit WiredVines to the way you work. We offer a complete professional support services program to help you implement our Service efficiently and effectively. We can even help you find ways to subsidize organizational deployments with advertising, sponsors, e-commerce and other creative solutions.

Special Services:
Use your WiredVines to deliver more services at any level of your organization.

Administrative, financial
   and other management

Real-time education
   and conferencing

Secure transaction processing

Special features? Just ask!

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Professional services available from WiredVines:

  • Build "shell" sites for your local chapters—all set up and ready to populate
  • Establish security and access the way you want it across the network
  • Develop specialized features unique to your organization
  • Synchronize with back office systems


  • We can help get the word out to your members to participate in your WiredVines
  • Customize the look and feel of your WiredVines (colors, logos, etc.)


  • Turn advertising and e-commerce into new revenue sources
  • Provide broader exposure for existing sponsorships

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