How do you Wire a Vine, anyway?

One leaf at a time.
Technically, WiredVines is a "hosted extranet." But it's an extranet in about the same way that the Empire State Building is a "building." It's the sort of extranet you or your IS Department would build if you had the time, many millions of dollars, and the need to provide unique data to thousands of different people at a time, in a secure and structured—yet fluid and user-centered—environment.

roots branches leaves

We know that you care deeply about your information, and guard it carefully. That's why security is at the center of every design decision we make. Through encryption, user verification, and multi-tier security protocols, we keep each WiredVines member connected to the appropriate information and resources. We maintain our systems in a secure and redundant environment, using a wide variety of industry-accepted practices and techniques.

We also respect your privacy. We do not share the information you maintain in WiredVines with anyone. In fact, even WiredVines does not access your data except by your written support request, or to conduct limited reviews for compliance with our terms of service.

We also know that you want to spend more time with your members and your mission—and less time worrying about the state of your network. With WiredVines, no matter where you are, as long as you can connect to the Web, you can be in touch with your organization and membership at every level.

Our roots are deep:
WiredVines is built on a robust, scaleable platform of Web and application servers. We deliver the power and flexibility of enterprise-class servers and services directly to your web browser with:

Windows NT
Internet Information Server
Active Server Pages
SQL Server

Open Standards:
Extensible Markup
   Language (XML)
Secure Sockets
   Layer (SSL)

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