Grow your Vines up the line

Connect your parent organization to your Vine
One of the beauties of WiredVines is that you can plant one anywhere, then grow it in any direction. If you love WiredVines for your local group, imagine how powerfully it could support the mission of your parent organization.

In fact, a WiredVines service agreement for organizations includes a host of additional features. These enable the organization to connect and make sense of the efforts of dozens or hundreds of subgroups, and thousands of members. For more information on WiredVines for Organizations, click here.

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Tools for engaging the organization
If you want to bring WiredVines to the attention of your parent organization, we'd like to help. Choose one of these options, or call and let us know what we can do for you.

  • For Sales and Marketing, call (215) 493-7307. We'd like to support you however we can.
  • Contact us through this web site.
  • Send an email to your organization's administration. We've developed a draft email that you can edit to suit yourself.

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