Imagine the possibilitiesÉ

WiredVines helps you to extend your reach to every member of your group and:

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How much time do you spend calling your members or answering countless questions?

Share information with other
   chapters and sections of
   your organization

Post calendars of meetings,
   sporting events, seminars
   and more—members can
   find them any time of the
   day or night

Conduct registrations online

Provide access to official
   policies, forms and

WiredVines helps you to keep in touch with your group, reach out to interested new members, draw inspiration from colleagues:

Stay in touch with other regional
   leaders about local issues,
   events and collaborative

Share ideas and best
   practices from peers
   across the country

Let members share news
   and opinions in
   threaded discussions

Publish success stories
   to inspire your group

Build your local efforts while coordinating with your organizations's headquarters:

Communicate information
   from headquarters to
   group members

Share news and successes
   with local membership

Participate in surveys
   from your organization

Download standard forms
   and procedures

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