Getting set up

Tailoring your WiredVines
WiredVines offers a lot of choices about how your site looks, what information is shared automatically, how security works, and more.

Do It Yourself: It's easy to set up your group's Communications & Service Center just the way you want it, and help is built in. Our basic ad-supported Center is available to any group that wants to improve their ability to collaborate and communicate over the Web. Just register to create a site.

Professional Services: Or, if your organization is big and complex and you want to take advantage of our full service approach, we have expert staff that will guide you through the initial setup of your organization's WiredVines. Please contact a sales representative to discuss your requirements.

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WiredVines services go beyond the technical. We can also offer advice about how to encourage members to use your WiredVines. Looking for new sources of revenue? We can give you ideas there, too.

Additional Services Available:
Build "shell" sites for
   your local
  — all set up and ready
      to populate
Establish security and
   access the way you
   want it across the network
Develop specialized features
   unique to your organization
Synchronize with
   back office systems

Get the word out to
   members to participate
   in your WiredVines

Find and establish new
   revenue sources
Maximize existing
   sponsorship opportunities

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