What can you do with WiredVines?

Simplify Group Communications!

WiredVines replaces the publishing, copying, faxing, addressing, and phone calling you do just to get members together and keep them in the loop. With FormXpert, you can even make your applications, registrations, and forms hassle-free by taking them online.

With the ability to network members on your WiredVines (no matter their computer, browser, or modem type) you can nurture and manage your group as never before. Best of all: you can easily share the effort of tending your Vines: delegate and share list maintenance, calendar updates, sign-ups, news and more.

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The web is the ideal medium for communicating with members at their convenience—which improves participation and their sense of belonging. Every WiredVines Communications and Service Center provides the tools you need to administer and communicate your group’s activities:

  • Calendars. Updated event calendars help increase attendance, reduce confusion.
  • Publishing. Make news and announcements instantly and inexpensively available to your group’s members.
  • Secure address book. Maintain only one central list of members, volunteers, and contacts but publish any combination of lists
  • Files & photos. Up to 25MB available from any computer with a browser and an Internet connection
  • Discussion groups. Public, private and moderated bulletin boards give your members a voice
  • Forms. streamline registration, sign-ups, and more


  • Stay connected to your central organization, yet maintain control and flexibility in your local chapter
  • Hold local discussion groups
  • Set local security and access privileges
  • Establish collaboration and participation within your group
  • Make your communication center as large or small as you need


  • Share the burden of collecting, editing, and disseminating information
  • Enable approved members to share responsibility for site maintenance
  • Allow others to contribute to newsletters, schedules
  • Share files: create a library of important reference (handbooks, maps, historical files, etc.)
  • Take advantage of discussion groups to create member forums or into start your own frequently asked questions section

As a branch of an Organization:
Draw more resources to your members

Faster access to
   organization information

Access to additional
   services like online
   real-time training and

Opportunity to improve
   connections between
   group and the parent

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