Build group connections

Both independent groups and groups who are part of larger organizations use WiredVines to make communications quicker, easier and more complete than ever before. Schedule events, maintain address and contact information, publish news, hold discussion groups and so much more with your own WiredVines Communications & Service Center.Click here to set it up today and let your members start using it tomorrow.

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Administrative management tools, designed for organizations that manage a network of local chapters and individual members are included in WiredVines for Organizations. A free MyVines Desktop personal information manager is available to everyone who registers with WiredVines, just click here.

Local Control
WiredVines Communications & Service Centers provide easy, centralized access to important public and private information, news, files, forms and bulletin boards. Local control and maintenance of information makes it timely and relevant. At the same time, participants can enjoy instant access to a wider variety of organization-wide information and new Internet-enabled administrative and commerce processes.

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